Let Us Think!
November 4 is coming fast upon us. Let us think about what we are choosing.
We are not choosing the next "Idol." We are not choosing the next "Rock Star."
We are choosing the next leader of this great country of ours.
We are choosing the person who, because of his qualifications, experience, knowledge, and background, is best equipped to lead our country through the next several years.
The person we select must possess a specific set of qualifications and character. We need someone who has been in the political trenches on his own for many years. We need someone who knows what dealing with The Congress is all about. We need someone who has had to determine what deals are necessary to get things accomplished, and when to implement those deals.We need someone who recognizes his duty and can determine what is most important at any given point in time, focus on that most important item, and still know what is going on everywhere else.
We need someone who is pragmatic, who can face up to and make the difficult decisions needed to keep this country going.
We need someone who understands the inner workings of this government because he has been intimately involved in for with those inner workings for many years.
We do not need someone who has been guided and led by others who do not have the best interests of this country as a priority.
We do not need someone who has the gall to say "call me if you need me," in the middle of any national emergency because he sees his own ambition as a greater priority.
We do not need someone who has been "mentored" by extreme ideologies and whose current path is still guided by those same extremes.
We do not need someone whose only contact with government on any level has been to find ways to justify getting more money out of that government.
We do not need someone who has made clear that he supposedly has no idea with whom he has been intimately involved for over 20 years.
We do not need someone who does not hesitate to claim ignorance in order to escape responsibility for his own choices.
We do not need someone who is quick to place the blame on anyone else around him rather than stand up and face up to the consequences of his own choices.
We do not want someone who will say one thing to one group of Americans on one coast and something completely different to another group of Americans on the other coast.
We do not want someone who is ready to collaborate and compromise with any leader of an antagonistic foreign country in order to keep them quiet.
Please -- THINK -- long and hard when standing in that voting booth next month.
Do not allow yourself to be swept away by all the supposedly "nice words" when making your decision.
Do not allow the emotionalism created to be your guide.
Rather, please THINK and question all the claims made, question all the pretty promises.THINK about the type of person you want in the White House as the main representative of your country.
THINK about it and vote for John McCain. The only viable choice we have who meets all the important qualifications of experience, knowledge, character and understanding we have.
Copyright, MCzwz, All Rights Reserved. Originally posted on www.thoughts.com/MCzwz/blog on 10/19/2008.
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