Saturday, March 7, 2009

Permission Needed to Exercise Our Right of Free Speech?

Since when is it necessary for an individual in this country to ask anyone for permission to express ourselves? Outside certain situations, in a classroom, during a formal meeting, or other similar venues, individuals are generally not required to request permission to express themselves . . . or, are they?

It would appear that in the "changed" environment in which we now live, we are brought face-to-face with the true meaning of "liberalism," "free speech," and "civil rights," as defined by the changemongers who have brought us to this point.

Many, many voices have been raised in recent weeks expressing surprise, shock, even disgust at what the results of November 4, 2008 have brought. Strangely -- ironically -- enough, many of those voices belong to those whose choice on that fateful day brought us here today.

Some of those voices, I will admit, are sincerely shocked at the results of their choice for change. Some of those voices, I will admit, were sincere in their desire to bring about the "historic change" supposedly exemplified by the democratic candidate for president. Some of those voices have expressed consternation, confusion, and, in many instances, pure dismay as the realizations have started to "come home to roost."

The realizations of what the choice for change has brought is more than regretful or ironic. It is frightening. I pray that those whose votes have brought us to this point are awakening from their haze of "history" and are startig to realize that we must all band together to stop the "change" from destroying our country as we know it.

The article below is an excellent example of the depth of hypocrisy to which the 'liberal' mentality has dropped. This article makes their meaning, intent, and definitions imminently clear: the "freedoms" for which the greater majority of the 'liberal' core have persistently screamed over the years is to be 'given' only to those whose mentality and opinions reflect their own. In other words, once assimilated one is "free."

I refuse to be assimilated and will stand on my rights to speak out against the attempts to destroy this country. The article below clearly describes a blatant intent to destroy one of the most important foundational aspects of our country.

We must stand against it.

Copyright MCzwz. 2009. All Rights Reserved.


Student's rights stripped at public university
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 3/7/2009 4:20:00 AM

A Christian college student and his three friends are asking a federal court to protect their rights to share the gospel on the campus of Southeastern Louisiana University.

Attorney Jonathan Scruggs of Alliance Defense Fund is representing Jeremy Sonnier. He tells OneNewsNow Sonnier was stopped by campus officials and informed he must meet certain requirements to engage in free speech.

"He had to provide seven days advance notice before he could speak. He had to disclose a variety of personal information, including his social security number [and] the purpose of his speech," Scruggs notes. "And even once that was over, he could only speak for two hours once a week, and a fee could be imposed on them."

A federal judge this week refused to grant a temporary restraining order against the school pending outcome of the case. "So at this point we are contemplating where to go forward -- if we want to go for it at the district court level or even potentially appeal to the Fifth Circuit. Both options are available to us," Scruggs adds.

But the attorney vows the lawsuit will be pursued until Sonnier has his First Amendment rights restored.

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