Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rushing Obama

I've included Mr. O'Reilly's thoughts on the so-called "feud" that supposedly developed between Rush Limbaugh and Michael Steele only to show that the immense influence of the liberal/mainstream/"drive-by" (as Rush calls 'em) media extends even into the Republican & Conservative party.

If anyone should know better than to react to the bait, these guys should ... but they've all spent an inordinately ridiculous amount of time discussing and dissecting this non-issue including Sean (my personal favorite) and Glen Beck (who took it and ran with it, without even considering the source, to his embarrassment, I would think).

I have the feeling that Mr. Steele is a tad too "moderate" to be the official RNC Leader at this particular period in time, but he's a smart man and I am willing to give him a chance to prove himself.

Though many may see Rush Limbaugh as the proverbial bull in the china shop, I strongly believe that Mr. Limbaugh's voice is an imperative to getting the core of the Republican and Conservatives back on track, to keeping them up-to-date and fully informed ... and, yes, to help lead us all back to where we need to be: Conservative Republicans.

I hope (perhaps against all hope) that the core of the Conservative and Republican party will not only listen to Mr. Limbaugh, but also to Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Glen Beck, and Mike Huckabee, but also take their thoughts and advice to heart. There is a broad range of 'categories' in that group, from moderate to pretty tough hard-liners. This group, consequently, represents the equally broad range of We the People out here who are grateful for the outlet they provide to allow us to express ourselves when it appears to none in 'officialdom' really care to hear from We the People.

We the People need to hear all opinions, from all whose thoughts and ideas are geared solely to trying to ensure the continued success of our Country -- as we have always known her -- NOT remade to some horrific, liberal, socialistic image of Mr. Obama's mentors.

Copyright, 2009. MCzwz, All rights reserved.


Man, I got out just in time. Last week I gave up doing the Radio Factor after seven years because I needed to get some sleep. Working 65 hours a week is fine when you're 30, but as Clint Eastwood once opined: A man must know his limitations.

My radio program competed against Rush Limbaugh's show in some markets, and now, in an amazing bit of political gamesmanship, the Obama administration has elevated Limbaugh to Alp-like heights. By publicly attacking the broadcaster, the Obama crew has not only galvanized his loyal audience, but also sent curiosity seekers into his domain. What a ratings bonanza for Limbaugh! Who would want to compete against that?

According to the website Politico, Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville polled Limbaugh's popularity and found it lacking among voters younger than age 40. The website contends they convinced White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to go after Limbaugh and define him as the behind-the-scenes leader of the Republican Party. The strategy was to paint the GOP as a leaderless outfit fearful of a high-profile radio guy. Emanuel dropped the propaganda bomb on a morning TV show last Sunday.

In conjunction, Obama's former campaign manager David Plouffe wrote a sarcastic op-ed in The Washington Post claiming the Republican Party is "paralyzed with fear of crossing (Limbaugh)."

Presto, the liberal mainstream media pounced on the new leader of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, mocking him for playing second fiddle to Limbaugh. Steele did not like that and told CNN the broadcaster is an entertainer who often pops off. Limbaugh did not like that and lambasted Steele. Under pressure, the RNC chief apologized.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are "lol" as they say on the Net.

But there may be an unintended consequence in this for the White House. By empowering Limbaugh, who already commands an enormous audience, the Obama administration is supplying weaponry to the enemy. Sure, the Democratic home team is yukking this stuff up, but most Americans are steaming mad about the economy and in no mood for shallow political games. If the president cannot get Wall Street to believe in him, demonizing Limbaugh will begin to look like a diversionary tactic, which it might well be.

It is certainly true that the Republican Party is currently taking some lumps, especially among the pro-Obama media. But in politics things can turn fast. If the GOP can develop some strong leadership and a populist vision, it will compete in the 2010 election.

We are living in dangerous times and the folks know it. Fighting with a radio talk-show host may be entertaining, but it is certainly not presidential.

Bill O'Reilly
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Copyright © 2009 Salem Web Network. All Rights Reserved.

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