Saturday, March 7, 2009

We ARE Being Assimilated . . .

The more one looks about to see what is going on in the country overall, as a result of the choices by the majority of We the People in November 2008, the more frightening the landscape becomes.

The primary target of this new administration has become abundantly clear: Freedom of Speech. It goes without saying that the average Man on the Street has yet to realize this.

It is sad, though, that this does "go without saying." The result of the November 2008 elections do support the premise that the average Man on the Street has become more fundamentally ignorant of realities and become even more oblivious and sheeplike in the desire to be 'taken care of' by, it appears, anyone who allows them to be "free."

What will -- hopefully sooner than later -- hit them right between the eyes is that the 'freedoms' touted by liberals reflect only those that they feel should be had -- and only by those they feel should have them.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, conservative talk radio, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, and many other conservative or conservative-leaning voices are already being targeted for silencing: the "Fairness" Doctrine still hovers in the background. In the meantime, Freedom of Speech is steadily being rescinded from many of We the People, quietly, without fanfare, stealthily, and devastatingly.

Copyright Mczwz. March 2009. All Rights Reserved.


Illinois AG defends 'Moment of Silence'

Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 3/7/2009 4:15:00 AM

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is appealing a federal court ruling barring the state's Moment of Silence statute for public schools.

In the initial negative ruling, the judge struck down the Moment of Silence law, saying it promoted religion -- although the law calls for meditation and general reflection. Laurie Higgins, the director of the division of school advocacy at the Illinois Family Institute, disagrees with the judge's verdict.

"And so he made this case, which I think was silly, was that if their silent thoughts were about a professional sporting event or a family vacation -- and these are his words -- it would appear to violate the stated intent of the statute," she notes.

Higgins believes the ruling reflects hostility towards religion. "In many schools, particularly high schools, they have a moment of silence to honor fallen soldiers," she points out. "No one ever suggests that during this moment of silence, because some students might be thinking about the movie they saw last weekend, that some principle is violated because of their wandering thoughts."

Similar laws in other states have been upheld in the courts.

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